Objectives of the Center
Creating entrepreneurship and technology development, especially by university graduates, through the creation of small and medium-sized companies and supporting them until the commercialization of products
Creating a suitable environment for the establishment and professional presence of technology companies, small and medium-sized companies and technology units
Supporting the creation of job opportunities for graduates, consulting opportunities in this field for members of the university's academic board and students, and the use of laboratory facilities
The Center for Stem Cell Growth and Tissue Engineering provides numerous services to accepted companies, these services can be listed as follows:
General and office services including telephone, fax, internet, negotiation and conference room, secretary and office work, computer, etc.
Advice and cooperation in obtaining financial and credit facilities in the form of Qarz al-Hasana loans, tax assistance, rent, etc.
Providing advice and providing laboratory space and workshop equipment, etc.
Guidelines for the commercialization of the products of this Area
Support for technological units regarding intellectual property
Establishing relationships between them and other research centers, government, and other companies
Support for participation in specialized, domestic, national, and international exhibitions, etc.